Hey you, it is so good to know you are looking for spiritual books for couples to read together.

In this blog, I suggest a good number of spiritual books( some being scripture-based) you could explore together with your partner.

What spiritual books I can read with my partner

Here Are 20 Spiritual Books For Couples To Read Together To Establish a Soulful Marriage!

Undergo a spiritual transformation as a couple with these insightful books!


“The Meaning Of Marriage: Facing The Complexities Of Commitment With The Wisdom Of God By Timothy Keller”

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about marriage?

Explore Timothy Keller’s book in collaboration with his wife, Kathy which will change the way you and your partner view your relationship. I am sure that you guys would be brimming with wisdom after the read!


“Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage To Make Us Holy More Than To Make Us Happy? By Gary Thomas” Is For Religious Couples

If you have been thinking marriage is “Growing OLD together happily”, Gary Thomas will make you understand that marriage is “Growing HOLY together happily” and this forms the premise of the book.

A must-read with your spouse, to lead a spiritual life all along.


“This Momentary Marriage By John Piper”  Will Change Your Outlook Of Marriage!

Is marriage a mere ground to realise one’s personal aspirations and pleasures?

Read John Piper proving it wrong with his spiritualistic writing. A must-read book with your partner.


“You And Me Forever: Marriage In Light Of Eternity By Francis Chan & Lisa Chan” , Is An Enlightening Read For Couples!

You and me Forever is a work aimed at christian couples.

The authors, Francis Chan and Lisa Chan relate the bond that a person shares with the Christ to that of the marriage between two people. If you are looking to get your soul united with your partner’s, you should lay your hands on this book.


“The Love Dare By, Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick” , Offers Spiritual Engagement!

Would you be interested to work on some exercises your spouse in a unique, godly way?

Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick give you a 40-day daily task planner to work on with your partner, to realise a soulful marriage like ever.


“Designing Destiny By Kamlesh Patel” Is A Mandatory Spiritual Read For Couples!

Haven’t you as a person OR couple, ever worried about what destiny has in store for you?

If that be the situation with you, did you know that being dedicated to religious activities like meditation, prayer, and cleaning could provide you a greater control over your life?

Why not make your marriage more spiritual & liberating with this stupendous book and have your outlook & attitude towards your relationship entirely changed?


“Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty” Is One Of The Enriching Spiritual Books For Couples To Read Together!

Facing immense stress in your relationship that you guys are literally staggering with your lives?

Don’t worry, Jay Shetty is right here to lend his hands for abundant clarity, wisdom, and positivity to transcend your obstacles and achieve a peaceful family life.


“Life’s Amazing Secrets: How To Find Balance And Purpose In Your Life By Gaur Gopal Das”,  One Sure-Shot Book To Read As A Couple To Find Your Life-Path Together!

Are you guys feeling lost in life, without a vision?

Right from managing your relationships to your work life, Gaur Gopal Das gives you all insights needed to make you a wise-couple. If you are genuinely looking for spiritual growth as a couple, this book IS for you!


“I’ve Been Thinking . . .: Reflections, Prayers, And Meditations For A Meaningful Life By Maria Shriver” Is A Definite Grow-Old-Together-Spiritually Kind Of Book For Couples!

Growing frustrated with life is not something that you undergo alone, rather it’s a world problem. Just that when instances are triggering, you have to make them manageable with necessary brainstorming and reflections.

That is what Maria Shriver offers you in this book, where you get to read a series of chapters giving you enough wisdom to mould your mindset for a better life.

Though the work contains references to her faith and religion, you could still use it to wield strength and determination in life.


“The Art Of Communicating By Thich Nhat Hanh” Will Awaken Spiritual Consciousness In Your Marriage!

How mindful are you in your communication with your partner OR others in general?

The monk cum author Thich Nhat Hanh amazes his readers with his fabulous thoughts. One of them goes like this, “What food you feed others in the form of your thoughts , actions, and words continue to ripple even after you pass out. So being mindful in your communication is key to good living”.

I am sure this is of the valuable spiritual books for couples to read together that could transform your relationship like ever!


If You Are Undergoing Some Internal Battles As A Couple, “The Gifts Of Imperfection: Let Go Of Who You Think You’re Supposed To Be And Embrace Who You Are By Brene Brown” Is The Book For You!

Does your partner think he doesn’t deserve you for a partner?

Let’s put a full stop to your partner’s thoughts right away under Brene Brown’s who in this book presses on the importance of practicing self-love and self-compassion, accepting one the way he/she is. She says imperfections are a way of life and that one need not fall victim to society’s definition of who he/she should be.

This book will not just change your perspective but also inject a whole lot of peace into your life.



“The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom By Don Miguel Ruiz”, The Right Guide To Handling Couple Issues Spiritually!

Leading a relationship is complex with the kind of conflicts entangled in it.

If you are seeking a way to traverse it without complications, Don Miguel Ruiz gives four important rules to remind yourself everyday to manage a peaceful marriage.

Trust me, you could put an end to your mental agony with Don’s help and you guys, as a couple, are sure to turn more kind and clear-headed in life. What more do you need?


“How To Be An Adult In Relationships: The Five Keys To Mindful Loving By David Ricco” – One Of The Most Mindful Spiritual Books For Couples To Read Together

David Ricco with his five A’s – Affection, Attention, Acceptance, Appreciation, & Allowing, stresses the importance of leading a mindful life as a couple.

If you could learn to handle tough situations in your relationship easily with these insightful bites, why not read it with your partner?



“The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide To Creating Extraordinary Relationships By Mali Apple”, Is A Good Book To Read With Your Significant Other!

A relationship should be treated as a platform for one’s own spiritual evolution.

In The Soul Experience, Mali Apples, offers some powerful, workable ways with practical exercises and real-life stories to create a spiritual relationship.


“The Road Less Traveled By Scott Peck” Is A Wise Read For Couples!

In “The Road Less Traveled By”, Scott emphasizes the importance of taking the path of discipline and self-realization to make relationships hassle-free.

In this context, I would like to share a screenshot from an article I read in thriveworks.com explaining spiritual love –


Books to help you grow as a couple


“When Sinners Say “I Do”: Discovering The Power Of The Gospel For Marriage By Dave Harvey” Is A Must-Read For Christian Couples!

If you are a christian and would like to follow the gospel in sync with your marriage, you have to pick this one up.

Dave Harvey has bundled some awe-inspiring wisdom in the book, to get you going on a godly track in your relationship.


“Devotions For A Sacred Marriage: A Year Of Weekly Devotions For Couples By Gary Thomas”

Marriage is a mode to getting connected with god, and finding solace in him.

The tasks are weekly, so you could steadily traverse it and make your relationship more enlightened. Are you guys ready?


Love & War: Find Your Way To Something Beautiful In Your Marriage By John Eldredge & Stasi Eldredge” Helps You Find Your Relationship Purpose Together With Your Partner!

What is marriage and why should one even get married? Has this question ever bothered you?

Having experienced innumerable hiccups in their relationship, John Eldredge & Stasi Eldredge gives readers their inputs on how god forms an essence of every marriage.

The authors put out clearly that marriage is hard but using it to foster a purpose makes relationships and lives more valuable.


“Preparing for Marriage: Help for Christian Couples By John Piper”

Could pre-marital counselling even exist in times of dating and chatting? I never knew it, and this book came as a huge surprise to me!

John Piper, with some carefully-picked biblical essence and his own derivations off them, has penned this book to the benefit of all christian couples.


Why Talking Is Not Enough By Susan Page” Talks Spiritual Partnership

How things should go about in a relationship when wound in conflicts?

Read Susan explain how working on the self shall end long-standing issues in a relationship without much arguments.


Did you find these spiritual books for couples useful? Let me know in the comments below!